Friday, February 15, 2013

How to share a folder in windows 7

Sharing a folder is not quite usual than windows XP or other version. This guide will help you how to share a folder in Windows 7.

1. At first choose the folder that you want to share. Then right click on it and choose Share with.. from the menu. A sub menu will appear. Choose Specific people..

2. At the window appeared, type “everyone” and hit enter key.

3. Now the user is added to the list provided. Now you can give permissions what the people using your share folder can use. To give permission, places the pointer on the permission of the name. Click the arrow to change the read/write permissions.

4. Now click share button, you will get a message you folder have been shared.

5. That is not all. Now you will get an error message while trying to access your shared folder from another pc.

6. Now go to Control Panel and click on the text “Choose homegroup and sharing options.”  Then choose “Change advanced sharing settings..”

7. At the window appeared, go to the bottom of the page. At the Password protected sharing section choose the option button “Turn off password protected sharing” and click “Save changes”. That’s all. Now any user in the network can access your shared folder.


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