Tuesday, June 4, 2013

How to block facebook from your pc?

Facebook always takes your most part of the time once you log in and you lose yourself into it. Finally you would undergo why I logged in. If you want to control yourself to stop facebook temporarily for few days, or if you wish to control your children or co-workers viewing facebook from your pc, these methods would be very useful. However the user may be aware by steps on how to block facebook or if he/she guesses that you have blocked facebook in your pc, he / she may try with google how to unblock it.

Tip 1
1.    Find the path in your pc to locate the hosts file. Probably it should be as below:
 “ C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts”

2.    It is safe to backup the hosts file before you edit it.

3.    Now open this file with notepad or other plain text editor. Copy the following text given below and paste it last line (after  Localhost).
#       facebook.com
4.    Save and close the hosts file.
5.    Now try with a browser.

Tip 2

If you use Internet Explorer, you can control with password protection to access facebook. Follow the steps to control this.

1.    Go to “Tools” menu (Press ‘Alt’ key if menu bar disappears) and click “Internet Option
2.    Click Content tab. Under the “Content Adviser” section, click “Enable”.

3.    Click “Approved Sites” from the dialog box appears.

4.    Type “*.facebook.com” then click “Never” button.

5.    Click “OK”. You will be directed to enter password. Give password and then click OK.


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