Friday, August 23, 2013

How to get More Free Space in Dropbox

Get more free space on Dropbox
Dropbox is the one of the leading cloud storage where you can store your files and access them from anywhere. Click here to learn more about Dropbox.

As you know, Dropbox only provides 2 GB free space for each sign up but you can extend the space up to 1000 GB when you upgrade your account to business plan, a paid service.

However, you can get some more free space by involving promotion activities and techniques.

Here I listed the ways to increase the free space size up to 20.34 GB.

Earn by getting started
Dropbox offers you 250 MB free space when you complete the tasks under the ‘Get started’. The tasks are: take the Dropbox tour, install Dropbox on your computer, put files in your Dropbox folder, install Dropbox on other computers you use, share a folder with friends or colleagues, invite some friends to join Dropbox and finally install Dropbox on your mobile device.

Refer friends to Dropbox
Here you can earn a huge free space by inviting your friends to join Dropbox. Every time a friend joins and installs Dropbox on his/her computer, you will be given 500 MB of bonus space. You can invite your friends via emails. But this bonus is limited up to 16 GB i.e. 32 friends’ referrals can be made with your one account.

Connect to Twitter
Keep abreast of Dropbox by following it on Twitter and link you account with it. You will earn 250 MB. Tweet your feedback to earn another 125 MB free space.

Connect to Facebook
Earn another 125 MB by connecting your account with Facebook.

Keep using Camera Uploads
Set the pictures taken by your phone camera to upload into Dropbox and get another 500MB free space.

Say why you love Dropbox

Give a feedback in 90 characters saying the reason for why you love Dropbox.  Dropbox offers you 125MB free space.

Connect Mailbox for iOS to Dropbox
This is good news for iPhone users. Now you are able to get 1 GB space when you connect your Mailbox to Dropbox. This is the latest way to get free space. If you already connected with Mailbox, you need to reconnect them to get free space.

Free space size
Sing up
2 GB
Getting Started
250 MB
Friends referrals
16 GB
Keeping camera Uploads
500 MB
Connect to Mailbox
1 GB
Connect to Facebook
125 MB
Connect to Twitter
125 MB
Follow on Twitter
125 MB
Sat why you love (Feedback)
125 MB
Tweet your feedback
125 MB
Total free space
20.34 GB


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