Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Get ready for Facebook Graph Search

I want to learn some interesting facts about Taj Mahal. I have several options though but learning something from my friends is quite interesting. Here Facebook Graph Search is going to help me to find my friends by simply typing the words “My friends who visited Taj Mahal”. It will immediately list out friends who made a visit there.

Facebook has started rolling out the new Graph Search to U.S. users yesterday. People who speak U.S. English will have the facilities in the next few weeks.

As everybody knows that the mission of Facebook is ‘Make the world more open and connected’. With this concept, Facebook introduced the beta version of Graph Search at the beginning of the year. A few people were permitted to handle this tool and to learn how it works.

Graph Search is not a web search. It is specially designed for users of Facebook which holds a trillion of connections with a big and changing graph. In general, the web search is designed to take any open- ended range queries and return to you links that may have the answers to the questions you might be trying to ask. The Graph Search is quite different. It is designed to take a precise query and returned to you the answer not the links.

The people connected, photos, places and interests are the four main types of search helping you to find the people and things from the Facebook.

Facebook promise you the Graph Search is privacy aware. It says that you can only search for content that has been shared with you. . Graph Search is also integrated with Microsoft's Bing.

Find the people by typing in the Graph Search box like “My friends who like Star Wars” or “Photos of my friends taken in Singapore” it will immediately produce the results with list of friends or photos that we asked and it also gives how many friends or photos are connected to. “Movies my friends like” gives the list of movies that your friends like. You can extend your search into friends of friends. For instance, if you want to find the list of men of your friends of friends who are not married, simply type “Friends of friends who is a single man”.


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