Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Shut down Windows 8 with 1 Click

Windows 8 came with nice look and well improved UI. Though it was especially designed for touch screen systems, it also works perfectly with mouse and other pointing devices.

How to shut down the system? This is the first experience most of you should have when you started to use Windows 8 because it doesn’t have the shut down button at its usual place. Then you have learnt how to do it though. By clicking the at the top-right corner of the desktop, you will get charms sidebar and go to settings > Power > shut down. [Win + C shortcut also brings the charms menu].
Nevertheless it needs 4 clicks or taps to turn off the PC. Alt + F4 also gives the quickest way to shut down.

Is it possible to shut down Windows 8 with just one click? Yes it’s possible. Let me explain how to do it. Here you don’t need to download any extension, software or codes.

1. First create a shortcut for shutdown process by right clicking on the Desktop and selecting New > Shortcut

 2. Type ‘Shutdown /s /t 0’ without quotes in the box provided (/s means shutdown the PC with a timeout of zero seconds (/t 0).  Then hit enter key and click ‘Finish’.

3. Now you will see a shortcut on the desktop. The double click of the shortcut will turn off the PC but this tutorial is extended till pinning the shortcut to metro tiles.

4. To change the icon of the shortcut, right click it and choose properties.

5. In the properties box, click ‘Change icon’ button and choose the regular icon for shutdown.

6. Now again right click the shortcut and choose ‘Pin to start’

Now you can shut down your pc with one click.


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