Wednesday, July 3, 2013

How to control Facebook tagging

If you are very concern about your profile view, you need to do some more things. In my last Facebook tutorial, I explained how to prevent people from posting on your wall. Here I am going to give some tips to control your Facebook tagging.

Many of you have bad experienced with annoying tags. Some friends have a habit of tagging all his friends in his entire photos even if you are not in. You will be terribly irritated by the notifications made by comments.

Unfollow Post
Following post means you are aware of what is going on with a group post. Every time anyone of the group, does a comment on the post, a notification will appear. If you click Unfollow post beneath the post, you will not receive any notifications in this regard.

Timeline Review
Timeline Review is one the feature provided by Facebook which allows you to manually approve every post you are tagged in before they are published on your timeline. This sort of feature stops to publish anything automatically on your timeline.

However it does not control the posts appearing in search or news feed.

How can we control this?

Go to Privacy Settings > Timeline and Tagging. Under the ‘Who can add things to my timeline?’ section, click the Edit against ‘Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your timeline?’. Click the drop down button and select ‘Enabled’.

Since then, you are notified on Activity Log. Click Activity Log button, it will list out the posts waiting for your approval. Click top right corner button of each post and select Report / Remove Tag. Now you will have two options to remove the tag or remove the post from the Facebook.


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