Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How to shut down Windows 7 faster

There is a massive improvement in Windows 7 start up with the new technology introduced by Aaron Dietrich of the Windows Client Performance team. However Microsoft Windows 7 has a slight drawback in optimizing shut down process. When my PC was fully loaded it was taking my time in minutes to shut down. I was terribly annoyed till I came to this solution. This method does not harm your operating system or hardware.

You need to do a small change in the registry file called ‘WaitToKillServiceTimeout’. Keep in mind, every change done in the registry affects the operating system. Therefore you are requested to follow the tutorial carefully.

First type “regedit” into the search box and hit enter key. Registry editor window will appear. Now navigate the path given below:


Find ‘‘WaitToKillServiceTimeout’ in the folder and double click it. Under the value data, change the default value to 2000 (2 seconds) . In my case, default value is 12000. (12000 means 12 seconds) Click OK to save the setting.

After this setting I am able to shut down my PC within 15 seconds.


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