Thursday, July 11, 2013

How to download Google fonts for Desktop Use

If you are not satisfied about the fonts while designing something with Photoshop or any applications, it is the best way go for Google fonts. There are several stylish fonts available in Google font showcase and they don’t cost a dime. You can download them for free and use them with any desktop applications such as Word, Powerpoint, Photoshop, Corel Draw etc.

Google allows the users to use the fonts in their websites as well as download for desktop uses.
Follow the steps.

Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Find your favorites fonts by using the tools at the left panel. Once you found your favorite one, click ‘Add to collection’ button which is at the corner of each font showcase in blue color.
Step 3: Click Download button at the top-right of the page. A fly menu will display. Choose the first option out of three ‘Download the font families in your Collection as a .zip file’. Your fonts will be downloaded as a zip file.

Step 4: Extract the zip file and select the fonts.
Step 5: Go to Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Fonts. Paste your fonts.
That’s all.


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